Este BLOG contiene algunas escenas sexualmente explícitas y lenguaje adulto que podría ser considerado ofensivo para algunos lectores (sexo homoerótico) y no es recomendable para menores de edad.

25 ene 2013

I found My Grave.

I found my grave 
in a dark yard 
full of deadly flowers 
uncolored and dark 

It was a cold night 
 the first night of winter 
long time ago. 

 I found that grave 
with my name in there 
with golden letters 
a sad epitaph… 

Here lies 
the one that I used to love 
the one who I share my days 
my darkness secrets.  

I found my grave 
in a cold winter
and that is what it say: 

Here lies 
The Devil’s Fiddler

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